What is Dual Investment?

Dual Investment is a non-principal protected structured saving product with enhanced yield, involving two different currencies. Upon subscription, you select the underlying asset, the deposit currency, subscription amount, and delivery date. Your return will be denominated in the deposit currency or alternate currency, depending on the below conditions.

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Take this product for example:

Pionex v.s. Binance v.s. Matrixport

Currently, there are three platforms offer dual investment product. Basically, the principle is the same among three platforms. The only different is that each platform provides different yield and different coins for dual investment.

Pionex Structured Investment Product

Covered Gain

What is Covered Gain?

Covered Gain is for those who are looking to take profit at a certain level while earning more coins before taking profit.

Scenario for using the covered gain product.

Let's say you're holding a coin which the current price sit at $10. Your plan is to take profit if the price reaches $15. Instead of waiting for the price reaches $15 and sell your position, you can earn more with the Covered Gain.

Choose the Covered Gain product which the target price is $15 and invest your coin into it. You'll keep receiving yield (accumulate more coins) before the price hit $15. After reaches $15, the Covered Gain will help you to take profit at that price.


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